Bronzeville Trial Initiatives
The Major Taylor Initiative
The Bronzeville Trail Task Force is dedicated to being an advocate for Major Taylor to be further honored at our local, state, and national government and appropriate civic organizations to recognize him for becoming the first African American to achieve the level of "Cycling World
Champion" and for his contributions to racial equality. We will commission a monument placed along the trail and advocate for him to secure the Congressional Gold Medal.
Bronzeville Trail Project
The Kenwood "L' Line embankment is a remnant of the Chicago Union Stock Yard Line and has significant ties to the Great Black Migration. The Union Stock Yards employed thousands of African American butchers, stockyard, and meat packing workers that established Chicago's thriving meat packing industry and earned Chicago the nickname, "Hog Butcher to the World"! The Bronzeville Trail History Project will research, examine, instruct, and publicize the role African Americans played in Chicago's world renowned meat processing industry.
The Bronzeville Trail Cultural Infrastructure: Prototyping Interventions in Partnership with Illinois Tech
We have partnered with Illinois Tech to offer a course and
opportunity for students to explore rail to trail projects. The
goal of this course is the expand on possible design options
to create a multi-use path along the existing rail structure,
and give students real experience into projects like the
Bronzeville Trail.